
We are always open

We pride ourselves on delivering results expertly and effectively while maintaining a very flexible, one-on-one approach.
Meetings first thing in the morning or after work are not a problem. We’re aware of the fact that we deal with busy people and we’ll always do our best to fit your schedule. So, feel free to call, send us a message or fill out the form on our CONTACT PAGE.


Clients that work with us regularly often brief us this way and a phone call is the fastest and, at the same time, a sufficiently interactive way of giving feedback after presenting candidates, after meetings between client and candidate or, for consultation. Some candidates’ interviews are conducted over the phone as well.


We send most information about candidates, job opportunities, and progress of the search and selection process by e-mail. Candidates may also e-mail us their resume if they are looking for a job or want to consult us about their career.

Video conference

Apart from client briefings we use video-conferencing frequently for interviews with candidates. Personal charisma is usually more difficult to capture via web camera, however, virtual meetings are nowadays common for interviews with employers, too, and thus, can be good training for candidates.

Personal meetings

Meeting in person is generally necessary with candidates applying for a managerial position or independent role. Clients may meet us in our office or, for those clients based in Prague, we’re happy to go and visit them.

Where to find us?Contacts

A-List Refresh, s.r.o.  tel:+420.774 88 28 98  e: info@a-list.pro

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© 2018 A-List Refresh. All rights reserved. Registered seat: Jungmannova 36/31, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
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